
RT.PVP grades are presented in the form of white powder (or milky) and water-soluble in various molecular weights.


الأسماء الشائعة


  • Intrinsic adhesion
  • Specific Condensation
  • The ability to form films
  • Solubility in water and more polar solvents
  • Lack of sensation and unpleasant skin sensation
  • The ability to form a complex with other molecules
  • ineffectiveness in terms of physiology and biocompatibility
  • Preventing the color of clothing when washed and protecting the color of the fabric
  • Preventing recurrence of dirt and contamination on the fabric during rinsing and improving the glow of clothing
  • Chlorine neutralizing the city water and reducing the effect of chlorine dyeing during cloth washing with city water

اتصل بالمورد

للاتصال الموردين من هذه الماد وتسجيل طلب للحصول على سعر، عينة، التشاور أو قبل الفاتورة، يرجى ملء استمارة الطلب.

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