Solimide® TA-301-DODI Polyimide Foam

الوثائق الفنية


معلومات تقنية

كمية قدر وحدة التعلیق
الخصائص الفيزيائية
Density 0.00705 g/ml ASTM D3574A
الخصائص الحرارية
Flameability 5.0 Specific Optical Density of Smoke, Flaming; ASTM E662
Maximum Service Temperature 200 ºC Continuous Use
Thermal Conductivity <0.0420 W/mk ASTM C518
Flameability 3.0 Specific Optical Density of Smoke, Non-Flaming; ASTM E662
خصائص ميكانيكية
Tensile Stress at break-MD >0.0600 MPa ASTM D3574E
Compressive Strength 0.00900 MPa ASTM D3574B; 50% Compression Force Deflection
الخواص الكيميائية
Toxic Gas Generation <10 ppm HCL ; Boeing BSS 7239, flaming mode
Toxic Gas Generation <1 ppm HCN ; Boeing BSS 7239, flaming mode
Toxic Gas Generation 180 ppm CO ; Boeing BSS 7239, flaming mode
Toxic Gas Generation <1 ppm SO2 ; Boeing BSS 7239, flaming mode
Flame Spread Index >5.0 Radiant Panel; ASTM E162
Toxic Gas Generation <1 ppm HF ; Boeing BSS 7239, flaming mode
Toxic Gas Generation <1 ppm NOX ; Boeing BSS 7239, flaming mode