The new PMMA molding compound can be processed by means of all thermoplastic processes such as injection molding or injection compression molding of parts, or by extrusion with subsequent sheet thermoforming.


  • optimum mechanical properties such as maximum heat deflection temperature, high mechanical strength,surface hardness and abrasion resistance
  • good flow and melt viscosity
  • high light transmission
تطبيقات أخرى

injection molding optical and technical items, e.g. lighting applications, displays etc
The new specialty molding compound can be processed by means of all thermoplastic processes such as injection molding or injection compression molding of parts, or by extrusion with subsequent sheet thermoforming.


Evonik Industries is a worldwide manufacturer of PMMA products sold under the PLEXIGLAS® trademark on the European, Asian, African and Australian continents and under the ACRYLITE® trademark in the Americas. Company

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