Polycarbonate 407 UR


Technical data

Quantity Value Unit Comment
Physical Properties
Density 1.2 g/ml
MFI 4.1 - 7 g/10min 300°C, 1.2 kg
Thermal Properties
Vicat softening temperature 140 - 144 ºC
Mechanical Properties
Charpy Impact Strength (notched) >20 kJ/m²
Elongation at break-MD >100 %
Tensile strength >60 MPa
Tensile modulus-MD 2000 - 2400 MPa
Tensile Stress at yield-MD 60 - 70 MPa
Ball indentation Hardness >103 MPa
Optical Properties
Transmittance >80 %
Electrical Properties
Dielectric constant 2.8 - 3.1
Loss index 0.008 - 0.011 @1MHz
Dielectric strength >20 Kv/mm
Loss index 0.0008 - 0.001 @50MHz

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