Calcium Carbonate barin 9020

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC), White Powder, Pigmentary properties.


    with rod regular particle shape, odorless
Other Applications

Printing inks and printing paste
In paper industry as filler for paper, loading and coating
In paints industry for emulsion paints (indoor & outdoor) and varnishes
In toothpastes for its rheological behavior, low abrasive cleaning and polishing properties

Technical data

Quantity Value Unit Comment
Appearance Properties
Physical state Solid
Sieve residue <0.02
Physical Properties
Humidity <0.5 %
pH 9 - 9.5
Specific Gravity 2.7
Oil absorbtion 48 - 50 %
Purity >98.5 %
Chemical Properties
Water absorption 60 - 62 %
Optical Properties
Whiteness index 95 - 96

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